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Basic helper framework for iOS projects. Some categories and helper classes for easy and quicker development.

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Basic helper framework for iOS projects.

Some categories and helper classes for easy and quicker development.


This project is also available as a Pod spec.

In order to use it you first need to install CocoaPods

Generate a Podfile and add this:

pod 'ETFramework', '~> 1.0.0'

Then run:

pod install

Note: This are really basic instructions, will change depending on complexity of your own project.


If you do not want to use CocoaPods you can as well just add it as a git submodule.

ETFramework Demo

The demo included in this repository pulls the recent tweets available from Twitter's global stream and stores them into a local CoreData database.

Note: No visual feedback is given in this demo.  
You need to open the local database to see that the data was stored and you can check ETServer.m to verify 
how little code was needed to actually read and store the data on the database.

Demo Installation

In order to run the demo you'll need CocoaPods installed and run the following on terminal:

pod install

Once the command runs you need to open the ETFrameworkDemo.xcworkspace in order to have the Pods included as a library in the project.

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